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Premium Quality WHITE Bird’s Nest Swallow 5A Dried - 250 grams

Premium Quality WHITE Bird’s Nest Swallow 5A Dried - 250 grams

Regular price $610.00 USD
Regular price $639.00 USD Sale price $610.00 USD
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Bird's Nest
Guaranteed of nutrients, compact, can carry, and allowed to bring abroad.
Bird's nest with original flavor is a premium product to help nourish health.

Net weight: 250g
Serving size: 7g
Servings per container: about 18

  • 100% of the nest is clean and pure
  • Calories: 25
  • Total Fat: 0g
  • Sodium: 65mg
  • Potassium: 5mg
  • Total Carbohydrate: 2g
  • Protein: 4g
  • Vitamin A, C, Calcium, Iron.
  • Enhance the body’s ability to digest, metabolism and helps with appetite
  • Improve the immune system and enhance resistance
  • Stabilize blood pressure, especially for elderly people with hypertension.
  • Improve respiratory function, reduce cough, and sputum discharge

How to use?

Step 1:
Put the cleaned bird's nest into a rice bowl (small bowl). Pour water over the bitd's nest to avoid the case of the bird's nest lack of water.
Please note that you should not put rock sugar in the common room because it will make the bird's nest not bloom.
Step 2:
Put the cup (small bowl) into the pot, fill the pot with water and cover all the bird's nest in the cup/bowl and over 1/2 or 2/3 of the pot.
Step 3:
Put the heat on medium high until it boils, then reduce the heat to low. The normal distillation time is 20 minutes (from boiling water) or 60 to 80 minutes which may vary depending on the type of bird's nest.
Step 4:
Check if the nest has reached the required softness (according to each person's perception). Then turn off the heat and add rock sugar.
You can use bird's nest when warm or cold, you can add a few slices of ginger to eliminate the fishy smell and help increase the taste.

Warning: Do not cook for too long compared to the time in the table specified. Otherwise, the bird's nest may be lost substance, dissolved oats, no longer characteristic flavor.

When is the best time to eat bird's nest?

  • Should be used 30 minutes before breakfast during the day because after one night the stomach has fully digested the food the day before, helping to absorb all the oats at this time.
  • Dinner 1 hour before bed because this is the time when the body rests, facilitating the maximum absorption of nutrients in the bird's nest.


  • Bird's nest in sealed containers and stored in a cool, dry place. The storage time in this way can be increased up to 1-2 years.
  • For the bird's nest that have been distilled but not yet used: put in a sealed container (or a cup with a lid) and keep it safe store in the refrigerator. This bird's nest can be stored for 1 week.

Warning: the cooked bird's nest, if not covered, will dissolve into water after 1 to 2 days.

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